Hôtel ekta ****




Besides the services offered by the hotel, our staff is here to answer your needs 24/7. Please ask the frontdesk for any request.

  • Non-smoking hotel
  • Multilingual concierge service 24 hours/7 days a week
  • International newspapers and magazines
  • Express check out
  • Handicap entrance
  • Unlimited Phone Calls
  • Private parking (paying on electrical terminal)
  • Luggage room
  • Buffet Breakfast
  • Gluten Free products
  • Bar
  • Business corner
  • Air-conditioning
  • Nespresso machine
  • Steamer
  • Room service
  • Babysitting
  • Laundry and dry cleaning services
  • Massage service
  • Hairdressing service
  • Beauty care




Presented in the form of a buffet, the Ekta Hotel's breakfast is composed of a wide choice of fresh and quality products, salty and sweet, for a convivial moment: a selection of hot drinks, fresh fruit juices, fresh fruit salads, seasonal fruits, breads and pastries, butter and traditional jams, cereals, granola, dried fruits, yoghurt, white cheese, cheese, halal sausages, gluten-free food...


The buffet breakfast is open every morning from 6:30 to 10:30.


15€ per person in the breakfast room



At the Ekta hotel, families are welcome and we make sure your stay is a pleasant one with facilities adapted to the youngest guests. To this end, we provide the following equipment:

  • Strollers,
  • High chairs,
  • Potty,
  • Board games,
  • Bath and shower chairs,
  • Changing mats
  • Bottle warmers 
  • Baby-sitting service
  • Coloring
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